2016 OPHA Annual Conference & Meeting
October 10 & 11, 2016 Oregon State University - Corvallis, OR
***Please click on the presentation titles below to download each DRAFT abstract.
Monday, October 10th
8:00 - 8:45 Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:45 - 9:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks
Robina Ingram-Rich, BSN, MPH, MS President – Oregon Public Health Association
New Deans of the Oregon Schools of Public Health: An Introduction
David Bangsberg, MD, MPH OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
Javier Nieto, MD, MPH, MHS, PhD OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Introduction: Charlie Fautin, RN, MPH
9:15 - 10:30 Keynote Address: Under the Weather? The Health Consequences of a Changing Climate
George Luber, PhD Chief Climate and Health Program National Center for Environmental Health Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Introduction: Sandra Clark, MPH Director, Population Health FamilyCare
10:30 - 10:45 BREAK
10:45 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions #1
(A) PANEL: Diesel in Oregon: Public health risks & opportunities Moderator/Discussant: Jennifer Coleman Susan Katz, Brendon Haggerty, Matt Hoffman
(B) PANEL: Searching for an Oregon solution for fluoridation advocacy Moderator/Discussant: Kurt Ferré Bill Hall, Emily Firman, Brett Hamilton
1. The role of cost information in health system decisions to adopt new services Frances Lynch, Gregory Clarke, Jennifer Schneider
2. New strategies for race and ethnicity data collection: Implementing REAL+D standards in a client survey Rachel Linz
3. Transgender in a binary world: Interviews with patients and providers on trans health data collection in the EHR MJ Dunne, Lewis Raynor
(D) SCHOOL-BASED INTERVENTIONS & SERVICES Moderator/Discussant: Aimee Snyder
1. Impact of a youth advocacy intervention on teachers' nutrition knowledge and classroom food practices relevant to snacks in rural elementary/middle schools Nancy E. Findholt, Betty T. Izumi, Kyle Pfaffenbach, Thuan Nguyen, Zunqiu Chen
2. Safe at school program: Assuring access and advocacy for children with type-1 diabetes Nancy A. Breen
3. Preliminary findings of a pilot outdoor activity intervention to increase physical activity and reduce cancer related behaviors among rural adolescents Kelly Rice, Emily Elsner
(E) VACCINE ATTITUDES & UPTAKE IN OREGON Moderator/Discussant: Charlie Fautin
1. Childhood vaccine attitudes and information sources among Oregon parents and guardians Jessica Deas, Sandra J. Bean, Iva Sokolovska, Charlie Fautin
2. Improving vaccine uptake in a vaccine-resistant cluster in Oregon Shawn Foley, Sandra J. Bean
(F) IMPACTS OF OREGON POLICIES ON HEALTH Moderator/Discussant: Robb Hutson
1. Considering the health impacts of tax reform in Oregon Craig Mosbaek, Frank Chaloupka, Ichiro Kawachi, Katherine Newman, David Rehkopf, Jessica Allia Williams, Rourke O'Brien
2.. Raising the wage: The public health impact of Oregon's 2016 minimum wage law Daniel S. Morris
3. A better Oregon: The public health impact of investing in education, health care and senior services Daniel S. Morris
12:00 - 1:00 Luncheon & Networking
(A) Chiropractic Section Meeting (B) Disabilities Section Meeting (C) Epidemiology & Biostatistics Section Meeting (D) Health Education & Promotion Section Meeting (E) Healthy Environment Section Meeting (F) Medical Providers Section Meeting (G) Nursing Section Meeting (H) Oral Health Section Meeting
1:00 - 1:15 BREAK
1:15 - 2:30 Concurrent Sessions #2
(A) PANEL: Alliances, Community Action, Statistics: Where does firearm injury violence prevention fit in public health? Moderator/Discussant: James A. Gaudino, Jr., Sarah Holland Gaudino JA, Quarles J, Millet L, Shen X, Marino E, Okamoto P, Weigler J, Wolsko C, Kemp P, Yuille R, Holland S, Pennavaria L, Keys S, Carlson KF
(B) PANEL: Risky business: A collaborative training for northwest tribes Moderator/Discussant: Kerri Lopez Ryan Sealy, Eric Vinson, Nora Alexander, Antoinette Aguirre
(C) FOOD SAFETY & FOODBORNE ILLNESS Moderator/Discussant: Jeff Bethel
1. Creative partnerships for ensuring food safety & expanding access to local produce Caryn Wheeler, Cheryl Kirk
2. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of raw milk consumers in the Pacific Northwest John Paul Bigouette, Jeff Bethel, Marit Bovbjerg, Joy Waite-Cusic, Claudia Hase, Keith Poulsen
3. Utilization of an online tool for public health reporting and outbreak investigation Heather Kaisner, Channa Lindsay, Jennifer Faith
1. Using local public health service data for generating evidence and improving practice Betty Bekemeier, Seungeun Park, Greg Whitman, Charlie Fautin, Danna Drum
2. Cross-jurisdictional sharing for local public health services: Implications for efficiency and cost savings Betty Bekemeier, Justin Marlowe, Linda Sharee Squires, Kathleen Johnson, Greg Whitman
3. Linn, Benton, and Lincoln 2015 regional health assessment Peter Banwarth, Jessica Deas, Ruby Kiker
1. Maternal/child health policy change - The making of student midwife advocates Jennifer Jagger, Laura Jenson
2. Motivating Oregon registered nurses (RNs) to pursue a bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN): Activities of the Oregon Action Coalition (OAC) education workgroup Sherrill Hooke, Anastasia Rose
3. Oregon nurses advocating for a universal, publicly funded healthcare system in Oregon Nancy H Sullivan, Christine Tanner
(F) ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS: EMERGING HOT TOPICS Moderator/Discussant: Nadege Dubuisson
1. Cadmium from glass factories: A risk to neighbors? Brendon Haggerty, Perry Cabot, Paul Lewis
2. Oil trains: A threat to public health and safety Regna Merritt, Diane Winn
2:30 - 2:45 BREAK
2:45 - 4:00 Concurrent Sessions #3
***OPHA Board Meeting
(A) PANEL: Seeing through the smoke: Understanding the role of public health in improving air quality Moderator/Discussant: Jen Coleman Matthew Davis, Rachel Sakata, Ramona Quinn
(B) PANEL: Dental health aide therapists: Increasing access and improving oral health outcomes in native communities Moderator/Discussant: Tony Finch Pam Johnson, Sarah Rodgers, Kelle Little
(C) MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH Moderator/Discussant: Suzanne Zane
1. Psychosocial factors of antenatal anxiety and depression in Pakistan: Is social support a mediator? Ahmed Waqas, Nahal Raza, Haneen Wajid Lodhi, Zerwah Muhammad, Mehak Jamal, Abdul Rehman
2. Newborn screening: No longer your mama's PKU test Becky J. Whittemore
3. Zika virus: What you need to know for family and reproductive health Suzanne Zane
(D) AGING & CHRONIC CARE MANAGEMENT Moderator/Discussant: Alicia Dixon-Ibarra
1. The governor's commission on senior services: Inspiring and educating the 2017 legislative session Victoria Blachly, Ken Dudley, Nancy Pierce, Judy Strand
2. Administering old age: The co-production of aging between humanistic gerontology and public administration Philipp Kneis, Keith Baker
3. The impact of Alzheimer's disease and other dementia on family caregivers Sarah Holland, Sara Kofman
(E) VIOLENCE & INJURY PREVENTION Moderator/Discussant: Mitch Haas
1. Practicing gun responsibility and safe storage Paul Kemp, Jake Weigler, Tom O'Connor 2. Comparing rate, lethality and injuries of mass shootings in which an assault weapon or high-capacity magazines were used in OECD countries who ban or permit military-style firearms Penny Okamoto, Joanne Skirving
3. Substance use disorders and risk of suicide death Frances Lynch, Brian Ahmedani, Edward Peterson, Rebecca Rossom, Christine Lu, Beth Waitzfelder, Ashli Owen-Smith, Samuel Hubley, Deepak Prabhakar, L Keoki Williams
(F) EXPLORING MARIJUANA & OPIOD USE IN OREGON Moderator/Discussant: Kenneth D. Rosenberg
1. The effects of prenatal marijuana use on child development: What do we know and how do we know it? Kenneth D. Rosenberg
2. Preventing opioid overdose in Oregon Katrina Hedberg, Matt Laidler, Josh Van Otterloo, Lisa Shields, Lisa Millet
3. High risk prescribing and opioid overdose: Prospects for a predictive model Peter Geissert, Wayne Wakeland, Rick Deyo, Gillian Leichtling, Nicole O'Kane, Jody Carson, Sara Hallvik, Christi Hildebran, Lindsey Alley
4:00 - 6:00 BREAK/NETWORKING - Hors d’oeuvres
4:00 - 6:00 OPHA Poster Session
5:00 - 6:00 Meet & Greet the New Deans of the Oregon Schools of Public Health
5:00 - 6:30 Book Discussion: Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
Moderated by: Kenneth D. Rosenberg & Kathleen Anger
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
8:00 - 8:30 Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 - 9:00 Welcome & Introductory Comments
Dianna Pickett, MSN President-Elect – Oregon Public Health Association
9:00 - 9:30 Brief Reports from OPHA Committees & Sections
Introductions: Dianna Pickett
9:30 - 10:30 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Sandwiches or Space Shuttles: Public health and CCOs working together for better health in our communities
Helen K. Bellanca, MD, MPH Associate Medical Director Health Share of Oregon
Introduction: Gloria L. Krahn, PhD, MPH Barbara E. Knudson Endowed Chair in Family Policy College of Public Health and Human Sciences Oregon State University
10:30 - 10:45 BREAK
10:45 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions #4
(A) FEATURED PRESENTATION: Epigenetics and Public Health: An Introduction
E. Andres Houseman, ScD Associate Professor of Biostatistics College of Public Health and Human Sciences Oregon State University
(B) PANEL: Coordinated care organizations in Oregon: Update and next steps Moderator/Discussant: Kenneth D. Rosenberg Mike Huntington, Peter Mahr, Samuel Metz
(C) PANEL: Assessing Oregon's unmet oral health needs and meaningfully including patients’ voices Moderator/Discussant: Richie Kohli, James A. Gaudino, Jr. Gaudino JA, Kohli R, Austin B, Mann L, Henson-Apollonio V, Hall K, Sehgal H, Harrington M, Glassman P, Ulrich S, Finch T, Schwarz E
1. Hydration and cooling practices among farmworkers at risk for heat-related illness in Oregon and Washington Jeffrey Bethel
2. A new climate resilience plan for Oregon's public health system Emily York
3. Toxic substances control act reform: What it means for Oregon Jen Coleman
(E) SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Moderator/Discussant: Katherine Bradley
1. Provision of immediate postpartum long acting reversible contraceptives: Policy context and practice implications Maureen Baldwin, Maria Rodriguez, Paula Bednarek
2. Marion county health department 2011-2015 STI assessment Katarina Ost, Rachel Posnick
3. Quit tobacco in pregnancy: Using incentives to reduce tobacco use among pregnant women on Medicaid Jennifer Webster
(F) EMERGENCY PREPARDNESS & BUILT ENVIRONMENT Moderator/Discussant: Jana Peterson-Besse
1. Assessing the long-term impacts from our transportation system Matt Davis, Mandy Green
2. Emergency preparedness among Oregonians with disabilities: Data from Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Sheetal Kulkarni-Rajasekhara, Willi Horner-Johnson, Angela Weaver, Elena Andresen
12:00 - 1:30 OPHA Business Meeting & Awards Luncheon
1:30 - 1:45 BREAK
1:45 - 3:00 Concurrent Sessions #5
(A) PANEL: Exploring the role of public health in maternal obesity and intergenerational health Moderator/Discussant: Lawrence Wallack Janne Boone-Heinonen, Lynne C. Messer, Jonathan M. Snowden, Frances Biel, Aaron B. Caughey, Stephen P. Fortmann, Lawrence Wallack, Kent L. Thornburg
(B) PANEL: Worker health and safety in key Oregon industries: Construction, forestry, and commercial fishing Moderator/Discussant: Laurel Kincl Kincl LD, Hess JA, Weeks DL, Anderson DA, Heller B, Houser RP, Palmer NE, Anton D, Garland, J, Booth GC, Bovbjerg VE, Syron LN, Vaughan AM, Dunlop KM, Miller KI, Jacobson KR, Lucas DL
1. Oregon's Coordinated Care Organizations: Impact on contraceptive utilization for women on Medicaid Lisa Oakley, S. Marie Harvey, Jangho Yoon, Jeff Luck
2. Effect of Coordinated Care Organizations on hospital and emergency department expenditures: Evidence from female Medicaid enrollees in Oregon Jangho Yoon, Jeff Luck, Lisa Oakley, S. Marie Harvey
3. Oregon's Coordinated Care Organizations: Expenditure and utilization among patients with and without chronic conditions Peter Geissert, Neal Wallace, John McConnell
(D) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TOOLS Moderator/Discussant: Curtis Cude
1. Applying new GIS tools in public health practice Brendon Haggerty
2. Environmental health literacy: A tool for communities and researchers Diana Rohlman, Curtis Cude, Matt Davis
3. Local public health capacity development: A toolkit for tribal environmental public health programs Celeste Davis, Matthew Ellis
(E) PROMOTING HEALTH IN RURAL COMMUNITIES Moderator/Discussant: Susan Carozza
1. Umatilla county Plan4Health Initiative: Planning for health in rural Oregon Taylor K. Smith
2. Being healthy in our community: Stories of health in Jackson county Joanne Noone, Jennifer Ware, Nancy Castillo McKinnis, Martha Rivera, Armando Lopez
(F) IMMIGRANT & REFUGEE HEALTH Moderator/Discussant: Chunhuei Chi
1. Those left uninsured from the Oregon healthcare reform Cesar Higgins Tejera, Linda Roman, Alberto Moreno
2. Improving healthcare for transgender immigrants and refugees Kristen Beiers-Jones, Oscar Guerra-Vera, Margaux Forsch, Sana Goldberg, Nazanine Ali Marandi Ghoddousi, Caitlin Thompson
3. Insurance lapses impact refugee health: Removing barriers Kristen Beiers-Jones, Charlene Addy McGee, Sarah Adkins, Taylor Helfand, Heather Jorgensen, Ashley Kardian, Julia O'Neill
3:00 - 3:15 BREAK
3:15 - 4:30 CLOSING PLENARY: 21st Century Public Health – Progress Update on Oregon Modernization
Jeff Luck, PhD Associate Professor College of Public Health and Human Sciences Oregon State University
Chair OHA Public Health Advisory Board
Moderator: Jeff Luck, PhD
Kaye Bender, PhD, RN, FAAN President/CEO Public Health Accreditation Board
Sara Beaudrault, MPH Policy Analyst Oregon Health Authority
Morgan Cowling, MPA Executive Director Coalition of Local Health Officials
Charlie Fautin, RN, MPH Chair Conference of Local Health Officials
----Conference Conclusion----