2014 OPHA Conference Highlights 

The Annual OPHA Conference & Meeting is the networking event of the year for Oregon's public health community. Nearly 470 public health professionals and students attended this two day educational and networking event. Physicians, Administrators, Nurses, Educators, Policy Makers, Researchers, Non-profit Executives, CCO Executives & Partners, and Students all gathered in Corvallis, Oregon on October 13th & 14th to learn about and discuss the latest research, programs and developments in Oregon public health.

The Annual OPHA Conference & Meeting always offers a variety of topics to choose from. The 2014 agenda included 60 oral presentations, 58 poster presentations, 12 panels and much more! 

Click here to view more photos of OPHA 2014.
*Photos courtesy of Jessica London


Want to learn more or see what you missed at OPHA 2014? 

A big thank you to all the presenters at the 2014 OPHA Annual Conference & Meeting! There were a broad range of interesting topics discussed during this year's concurrent sessions. Some presenters have chosen to share the slides from their presentations. 

Now available...

  • Concurrent Sessions: Presentation & Panel Slides
  • Essential Skills for Collaborative Leadership Workshop 
  • CLHO Poster Session: Quality Improvement & Performance Management 
  • Closing Plenary: Oregon's Public Health Transformation: Findings from the Future of Public Health Task Force

Click here to download your favorite OPHA 2014 presentations now!

*Please contact Kim Krull if you would like to post your presentation slides online.


Click here to view the OPHA 2014 Program. 

OPHA 2014 Awards

Congratulations to this year's award winners:

Lifetime Achievement: Dianna Pickett

Policy Champion: Family Forward Oregon

Emerging Leader: LaKeesha Dumas

Outstanding Student Poster Awards: Sandi Cleveland & Kathleen Conte








PHOTO (left to right): Brian Johnson, Marie Harvey, Kathleen Conte, LaKeesha Dumas, Sandi CLeveland, Joyce Gaufin, Josie Henderson, Alissa Leavitt, Dianna Pickett
*Photo courtesy of Jessica London

Click here to read more about the OPHA 2014 award winners.  

A big thank you to our 2014 Sponsors & Exhibitors!

Diamond Sponsors:



Gold Sponsors:



Silver Sponsors:



Keynote Sponsor - Day 1:        Keynote Sponsor - Day 2:



Bronze Sponsors:




Community Partners: 




Alzheimer's Association Oregon Chapter
Oregon Nurses Association
Upp Technology, Inc.
Oregon Health Authority Recruitment

*Conference sponsorship offers an exciting and unique opportunity to reach out to public health leaders and decision-makers and demonstrate how your products or services can lead the way to a healthy future. For more information, please contact Jessica Nischik.

Download the OPHA 2015 Sponsor-Exhibitor Prospectus