2024 OPHA Public Health Awards

Recognizing Champions of Public Health

Every year, thousands of public health professionals engage, innovate, and make an impact on the communities they serve. The dedication and commitment to protecting and promoting the health of Oregon’s communities makes an immeasurable impact. At OPHA, we are committed to acknowledging and celebrating the enduring influence that these individuals have in Oregon.

OPHA members may nominate themselves, another member, or an organization for one of the four categories:

  • Lifetime Achievement – This award will be given to a person who has demonstrated a lifetime commitment to public health and to the improvement of health in Oregon.
  • Policy Champion of the Year – This award will be given to a person or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to advancing public health policy in Oregon.
  • Emerging Leader – This award will be given to a person starting a career in public health.  The person demonstrates leadership, innovation, and creativity. Alternatively, this award may also be given to an organization that has demonstrated leadership, innovation and creativity at the onset of their organizational development.
  • Health Equity Champion – This award will be given to champions working across sectors to ensure that everyone, in particular communities of color and/or marginalized populations, has opportunities where we live, learn, work and play.

The awards will be given this October, at our 80th Annual Conference and Meeting, during our Awards Ceremony. Nominations are due August 30, 2024!

Detailed award criteria

Nominate a Public Health Champion


Please contact Awards Committee Chair, Maritza Kritz, [email protected] with questions.