2015 OPHA Annual Conference Presentations
Keynote Presentation:
Public Health in the Era of the Internet: Lessons Learned From Immunizations Presenter/Author: Elizabeth Steiner Hayward
Concurrent Sessions - Presentations & Panels: *Listed alphabetically by title
A Memory Loss Intervention: Unidos Podemos Presenter/Author: Sarah Holland
A Model for a 3-County Health Assessment: Linn, Benton, and Lincoln County Presenter/Authors: Peter Banwarth, Jessica Deas
A Two-County Collaborative Community Health Assessment Presenter/Authors: Sharon Heuer, Rachel Posnick, Pam Hutchinson, Katrina Rothenberger
Assessing the Burden of Breast Cancer Among Women in Oregon: Identifying Priority Populations for Action Presenter/Authors: Keshia Bigler, MPH; Bridget Jamieson, BS
Assessing the Impact of Community-Based Interprofessional Student Teams on Health Outcomes & Healthcare Costs Presenter/Authors: Katherine Bradley, PhD, RN; Nic Bookman, MPH; Peggy Wros, PhD, RN
Behavioral Health Home Learning Collaborative Presenter/Authors: Mark Remiker, MA; Elizabeth Needham Waddell, PhD
Bridging the Cultural Gap: Collaboration Between the Health Care System and the Ex-Convict Population Presenter/Authors: Karen Meurer, Donald Henschel, Harry Olsen, Wes Bell
Case Study of a Preconception Health Campaign in Southern Oregon Presenter/Authors: Martha Rivera, Aubra Johnson, Maggie Sullivan
Clackamas County Health @ Home Initiatives Presenters: Cathy Perry, Concetta Branson, Mary Horman
Coordinated Care Organizations: How are they doing? Presenter/Author: Michael C. Huntington M.D.
Data Detectives: Promising Strategies to Identify Suspect Client Records in Oregon’s Immunization Information System (ALERT IIS) Presenter/Authors: Andrew Osborn, Deborah Richards
Direct Primary Care: A Model for Providing Health Care to the Uninsured Presenter/Authors: Catherine Degnin, Elvin Yuen
Eastern Oregon CCO Health Care Transformation Presenter/Author: Jordan Rawlins, MPH
Explore Your Neighborhood: Introducing Online Birth and Death-Related Data Maps Presenter/Author: Krista Markwardt
Formative Assessment of Availability of Healthy Snacks & Beverages in Stores Near Schools in Two Rural Oregon Counties Presenter/Authors: Nancy Findholt, PhD, RN; Betty Izumi, PhD, MPH, RD; and Hayley Pickus, MPH, MURP
From the Ground Up: Community Organizing and Participation in Local Food Systems Presenter/Author: Julia Reynolds
Harmful Algae Blooms Presenter/Author: Rebecca Hillwig
Impact of Substance Abuse Parity Legislation on Suicide Presenter/Authors: Linh Bui, MIPH; Jangho Yoon, PhD
Incentives That Engage: Designing a Tailored Care Program for a High Utilizer Population Presenter/Author: Joel Michels, MSN, FNP-BC
Multnomah County Brownfield Initiative: Mapping Health Equity Presenter/Authors: Matt Hoffman, MPH; Caislin Firth, MPH
Neurodevelopmental Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Environmental Toxins Presenter/Authors: Marjorie Kircher, MS OTR; Pat O'Herron, MD, FACS; Theodora Tsongas, PhD, MS
Rapid Health Impact Assessment: The Effects of Tobacco Retail Licensing on Youth Usage in a Rural Community Presenter/Author: Kristen Wils, MSc
Survey of Patients Smoking While Pregnant in a Rural Community: Practical Applications Presenter/Author: Kristen Wils, MSc (study done by Jennifer Narron, MPH; Rose Keppinger, RN; and Becca Ferrer, RN)
TEAM OREGON: Motorcycle Safety Program Presenter/Author: Pat Hahn
Thinking Outside the Box—Collective Impact to Reduce Health Disparities Presenter/Authors: Belle Shepherd, Caryn Wheeler, Hannah Ancel
The 'C' of Acronyms: CCos, CACs, CHAs, CHIPs, and CHWs Presenter/Authors: Bill Bouska, MPA; Belle Shepherd, MPH
The Evolution of Regulating E-cigarettes in Oregon Presenter/Authors: Kim La Croix, Steven Fiala, Holly Heiberg
The Institute of Medicine and the Affordable Care Act Presenter/Author: Peter Mahr, MD
Using Syndromic Surveillance Data to Model Strategies to Increase Influenza Vaccine Coverage for the 2015-2016 Influenza Season Presenter/Author: CAPT Thomas Weiser, MD, MPH
Warriors of Wellness- A Multicultural Community Health Worker (CHW) Collaborative Presenter/Author: Teresa Lavagnino
Weight Discrimination and Selected Health Behaviors Presenter/Authors: Sandi Phibbs, Jenny Faith, Tassnym Sinky, Sheryl Thorburn
Oregon Whole Grain Heroes Video Campaign: A Partnership Between Foodhero.org and the OSU Moore Family Center Presenter/Authors: Sandra Carlson, Mandy Hatfield, Rose Jepson-Sullivan, Jenny Rudolph, Lauren Tobey