OPHA 77th Annual Meeting and Conference 2021 Program
Attendance is virtual, no travel required
*Indicates presenter
All Plenary Sessions will be in Room 1
9:00–9:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks
Danielle Droppers, MSW
President, Oregon Public Health Association
9:15–10:15 Keynote Address: Syndemics: Understanding COVID-19 and its companions
Professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
Introduction: Danielle Droppers, MSW, President, Oregon Public Health Association
Moderator: Roberta Riportella
10:15–10:30 BREAK
10:30–11:45 Concurrent Sessions #1
Room 1) PANEL: Activating Communities for Change: Tools to Build Prevention Practitioners' Capacity to Engage and Educate Key Decision-Makers
Moderator/Discussant: Michelle Frye-Spray Authors: Beatriz H Carlini, Carrie Cuttler, Julia Dilley*, Caislin Firth, Kevin Haggerty* Jason R. Kilmer, Mike McDonell, Nephi Stella, Brittany Rhoades-Cooper, Denise Walker, Dave Willits, Sara Broschart, Christine Steele, Liz Wilhelm, and Mary Segawa*
Room 2) PANEL: Lessons learned regarding ableism during a pandemic: Recommendations for future public health pandemic response
Moderator: Jana Peterson-Besse Authors: Chandra Char*, Winston Kennedy*, Erin Taylor,Jana Peterson-Besse
Moderator: Danielle Droppers
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Employment of Registered Nurses in Oregon Authors: Richard Allgeyer*, Jana Bitton
COVID-19 and the World of Work Authors: Helen Schuckers*, Dede Montgomery
Staff Health and Well-Being during Emergencies and Disasters: Lessons Learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic Author: Sarah Nuttbrock*
Moderator: Tamara Falls
Rapid Development and Implementation of a University-State Collaborative Program for Pandemic Response Authors: Abigail Newby-Kew,Joyleen Mabika, Julia Przedworski, Amelia Reynolds*, Jennifer Ku, Karen Camp, Jonathan Snowden*
Addressing Health Equity in Rural Communities Through New Academic Health Department Partnerships Authors: Andrew Lafrenz*, Kala Mayer
Team-based Rapid Assessment of Community-level Coronavirus Epidemics (TRACE): a community-engaged approach to estimate the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection Authors: Jeffrey Bethel*, Benjamin Dalziel, Roy Haggerty, Kathryn Higley, Katherine McLaughlin, F Javier Nieto, Justin Sanders, Brett Tyler, Tyler Radniecki
Moderator: Karen Chase
Understanding Radiation Harms and Nuclear Weapons as a Future Pandemic We Must Prevent Authors: Linda Marie Richards*, Yukiyo Kawano*
Social Disparities and Nitrate Exposure in Drinking Water: Building an Evidence Base of Water Insecurity in Oregon Authors: Cordelia Schimpf*, Curtis Cude*
Be Well intervention and protocol: Testing a behavior change intervention to promote well water treatment among rural Oregonians Authors: Irvin VL*, Neilson LM, Lucas-Woodruff CM, Cude C, Kile ME
Moderator: Sharon Coryell
Legalization and availability of recreational marijuana and youth use in Oregon Author: Gulcan Cil*
From Suspensions to Support: Mobilizing School Partners to Address Adolescent Substance Use Authors: Lauren Wood*, Lyndi Petty, Anne-Marie Schmidt*
Changes in vaping attitudes and behaviors in Oregon during the 2019 national outbreak of vaping-associated lung injury Authors: Steven Fiala*, Anne Celovsky, Sharon Coryell, Beth Vorderstrasse, Kameny Chan, Sarah Hargand
11:45–12:15 LUNCH BREAK
12:15–1:15 Section Meetings
1:15–1:30 BREAK
1:30–2:30 Keynote Address: Finding our way from here – Trying to look ahead while exhausted and overwhelmed
Retired local public health administrator
Introduction: Allison E. Myers, PhD, MPH
Director, Oregon State University Center for Health Innovation Interim Program Leader, OSU Extension Service – Family and Community Health College of Public Health and Human Sciences Oregon State University
2:30–2:45 BREAK
2:45–4:00 OPHA Board Meeting
2:45–4:00 Concurrent Sessions #2
Room 1) PANEL: Western Oregon University + Polk County Covid-19 Project: Placing Public Health Students at the Intersection of Science and Practice
Moderator/Discussant: Megan Patton-López Authors: Maddie Dirren*, Daniel Dowhower*, Jenny Leon-Perez, Megan Patton-López*, Jacqui Umstead, Kristty Zamora-Polanco*, Emily Vala-Haynes
Room 2) PANEL: Development and Design of a Culturally Tailored Intervention to Address
COVID-19 Disparities Among Latinx Communities Across Oregon
Moderator/Discussant: Stephanie De Anda Authors: Elizabeth L Budd*, Jorge Ramírez García*, Ellen McWhirter, Anne Marie Mauricio, Stephanie De Anda, Hannah Tavalire, Jake Searcy, Camille C Cioffi, Maryanne Mueller, Ashley Nash, Joaquin Ramos, Kelsey Van Brocklin, Kristin Yarris, Oregon Saludable: Juntos Podemos Advisory Board, William Cresko, Dave DeGarmo*, Leslie Leve
Moderator: Liana Winett
Building a Statewide Mass-Media Alcohol Prevention Campaign: Results from an Alcohol Formative Audience Assessment Authors: Vicky Buelow*, Megan Gerdes*
Changes in substance use behaviors among Oregon adults during the COVID-19 pandemic Authors: Sam Hermes*, Vicky Buelow*
Alcohol Retail Marketing and Product Availability in Oregon: Results from an Alcohol Retail Assessment Authors: Vicky Buelow*, Sharon Coryell*
Moderator: Megan Cahn
Assessing patient engagement with healthcare-based social interventions: evidence from Oregon's Accountable Health Communities Study. Authors:Anna Steeves-Reece*; Stephan Lindner
Relationship between the implementation of a psychiatric emergency service and emergency department length of stay in the Portland metro area
Authors: Megan Cahn*, Jangho Yoon, Greg Miller, Anne Gross
Moderator: Roberta Riportella
Oregon State University Extension Service Responding to Community Vaccination Needs during COVID-19 Authors: Roberta Riportella*,Beatriz Botello, Marc Braverman, Marion Ceraso, Lauren Kraemer*, Dusti Linnell, Mario Magaña Alvarez, Amy Young
Adapting Children's Wraparound to Successfully Serve Children and Their Families During the Pandemic Authors: Adam Peterson*
Oregon SNAP-Ed adapts evidence-based adult curriculum for remote education in response to COVID Authors: Tina Dodge*, Katie Ahern*, Joanne Lyford
Moderator: Abby Mulcahy
Prevalence of Disability Types Among Transgender Adults Authors: Abby Mulcahy*, DJ McMaughan
SHARE-NW: Practice-Centered Design of a Data Dashboard and Training for Addressing Rural Health Inequities Authors: Greg Whitman*, Betty Bekemeier,Tim Noe*
Understanding the use of Public Healthcare Programs and Impact of the "public charge" in Oregon Latino/as Authors: Edlyn Lopez*, Yareli Cornejo-Torres, Sara Dias-Anaya, Blair G. Darney.
4:00–5:30 OPHA Poster Session
Poster presentations are listed at the end of the program
----End of Day One----
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
*Indicates presenter
8:30–8:45 Welcome & Introductory Comments
Tabitha Jensen, MBA
President-Elect, Oregon Public Health Association
8:45–9:00 Brief reports from OPHA Sections
9:00–10:00 Keynote Address: DEI and Public Health: Implications for Leadership
Chief Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer
Introduction: Robert Mcconville, Vice President CareOregon Metro
Moderator: Danielle Droppers
10:00–10:15 BREAK
10:15–11:30 Concurrent Sessions #3
Room 1) PANEL: Community Engagement to Inform Firearm Risk-Reduction Programs and the Use and Dissemination of Firearm Injury Data
Moderator/Discussant: Laura Chisholm Authors: William Baker-Robinson*, Yachana Bhakta*, Danielle Krushnic*, Laura Chisholm, Dagan Wright, Susan DeFrancesco, Lauren Maxim*, Raven Wood,Tess Gilbert, Elizabeth Hooker, Lauren Denneson, Megan Lafferty*, Kathleen Carlson*
Room 2) PANEL: Maximizing Health Equity in Policy and Planning: An Implementation Framework for Local Public Health Moderator/Discussant: Phyusin Myint Authors: Phyusin Myint, Alicia Lee*, Ana Tellez*, Gwyn Ashcom*, Bernardino De La Torre, Jenna Oh*
Moderator: Clair Raujol
Alcohol and Cannabis Regulatory Systems: Integrating Support for Public Health and Safety Authors: Amanda Cue*, Jessica Neuwirth*
State legalization - local choice: Oregon county and city regulation of cannabis markets Authors: Julia Dilley*, Jessica Neuwirth*, Victoria Buelow, Amanda Cue, Kathy Pickle, Rob Bovett
StoryMapping Equity to Promote Healthier Communities in relationship to tobacco density Authors: Sharon Coryell*, Kameny Chan*
Moderator: Therese Hooft
Applying Trauma Informed Principles to the Learning Environment Authors: Jessica Anderson*, Malynda Taylor, Eric Oslund, Rachita Srikanth, and Madison Jackson*
Integrative Health & Wellness and the Future of Public Health Authors: Kala Mayer*; Andrew Lafrenz*
Developing and evaluating a trauma-informed care region Authors: Maggie Head, Vanlena Le, Suzie Stadelman, Jennifer Schwartz*, Chiharu Blatt, Caitlin Young*, Gregory Sebastian*, Sarah Carter
Moderator :Chandra Char
COVID-19 and the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Student Experience Authors: Ava Kupperman*, Motutama Sipelii*, Betty Izumi
Applying a Public Health Lens to Educational Equity: Perspectives from the OSU Juntos Program During Covid-19 Authors: Amy Young*, Andrea Flores, Gina Galaviz-Yap
Moderator: Renee’ Menkens
Anxiety, Depression, Passive and Active Suicidal Ideation during Covid-19: A Virus that Affects the Mind and the Lungs Authors: Natalie Rosen, Jessica Coughlin*
Teaching Adult Mental Health First Aid during the pandemic Authors: Robin Maille*, Dusti Linnell, Ivan Estrada, Sandi Phibbs, Oralia Mendez, Marion Ceraso
The Doctor is Virtual: Telehealth for Mental Health Services in Oregon Authors: Genevieve Rasmussen* and Rebekah Gould*
11:30–12:00 LUNCH BREAK
12:00–1:00 OPHA Awards, Annual Membership & Business Meeting
1:00–2:00 Keynote Address: “If You Can Read This, I Am Evidence”:
Poetry as Antiracist + Decolonizing Praxis for Health Equity Knowledge + Action
Assistant Professor,OHSU-PSU School of Public Health.
Introduction & Moderator: Phyusin Myint, PhD, MPP
2:00–2:15 BREAK
2:15–3:30 Concurrent Sessions #4
Room 1) PANEL: COVID and the Native Community Moderator/Discussant: Brianna Bragg Authors: Brianna Bragg*, Natalyn Begay*, Jillene Joseph*, Amanda Mercier*
Moderator:Sharon Coryell
Characteristics of Unintentional Drug Overdose Deaths in Oregon, July 2019 to June 2020 Author: Xun Shen*
Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP): Relationships with technical experts enhance local capacity Authors: Robin Baker*, Alexandra Kihn-Stang, Sherril Gelmon, Sara Rainer, Megan Couture, Veronique Calmels
Improving Pain Management and Opioid Prescribing Practices across Oregon through the PINPOINT Intervention: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective Author: Kate LaForge*, Lisa Shields, Caitlin Dickinson, Brigit Hatch, Jean Campbell*, Erin Stack, Diana Flores
Moderator: Therese Hooft
Lessons From Forecasting a New Pandemic- Experience from Oregon Author: Peter Graven*
Post-Infectious Psychiatric Changes in Children-PANDAS and PANS Author: Sarah Signe Lemley*, Kym McCornack
Who Purchased Guns During the Pandemic, Why, and What Policies Can Reduce Their Risk for Gun Violence? An examination of data from the 2021 National Firearms Survey, Oregon Instant Check System, and Gun Violence Archive Authors: Penny Okamoto*, Joanne Skirving
Moderator: Karen Chase
Impacts of Smoke Particulate Matter on Health in Oakridge Authors: Dongmei Chen, Carol Trenga*, Guen DiGioia, Mary Dinsdale, Justin Overdevest
Understanding the role of public health in building resilient food systems in Oregon Authors: Briana Arnold*, Emily York, Sandi Phibbs, Julie Sifuentes
A regional approach to tracking climate change health outcomes Authors: Abe Moland*, Brendon Haggerty*, Kathleen Johnson
Moderator: Renee’ Menkens
Functionality of Environmental Health and Incident Command System in Oregon Author: Nicholas Alviani*
Leading Oregon's Charge into the Unknown: Lessons Learned from Washington County's COVID-19 Outbreak Response Structure Authors: Carrie Shuler, Kathleen Rees, Jillian Powell*, Erin Jolly, Sue Chern Liong*, Laura Minkiewitz, Christine Keating, Marie Boman-Davis
Challenging Structural Racism in a Local Government's COVID-19 Emergency Response Authors: Phyusin Myint*, Eva Hawes, Genevieve Ellis*, Marie Boman-Davis
3:45–5:00 Plenary Panel: Improving Health through the Planned Environment: A Call to Action on Health, Climate, and Equity
Moderator: Briana Arnold, MPH
Chairperson, OPHA Healthy Environments Section
- Mathew J. Martinson, P.E., BCEE, U.S. Public Health Service; Chief, Permitting, Drinking Water and Infrastructure Branch, US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10
- Vivek Shandas, PhD, Professor, Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University
- Perry Hystad, PhD, Associate Professor, College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University
- Robert L. Bertini, PhD, School Head and Professor, Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University
----Conference Conclusion----
*Indicates presenter
After COVID: A trauma-informed way forward for Public Health professionals
Authors: Makinna Miles*, Lillie Manvel
Breastfeeding Support in Polk County
Authors: Emily Frey* and Sophia Hanson Richter*
Clackamas County Youth Suicide Prevention
Authors: Joanna Irby*, Cailee Johnson
Comparative Death and Infection Rates among Covid-19 patients in Oregon
Authors: Jennifer Blum*, Peter Banwarth, Elisabeth Guenther
Dairy product consumption and risk of colorectal cancer: a literature review
Authors: Paige Jamieson*, Gerd Bobe, Yumie Takata
Examining the Link Between Acculturation and Percieved Discrimination on Reproductive Autonomy in Oregon Latinas: Work in Progress
Authors: Sara Diaz-Anaya*, Edlyn Lopez, Blair Darney
From Patient to Policy: Putting Sharps Waste in the Right Place, Assessment of Current State in Southern Oregon
Authors: Jesse Lederer*, Hannah Carter*, Tiffany Allen*, Sabrina Ballew
Impact of COVID-19 on Home Visiting Data Collection Results on Father Figure Engagement
Authors: Purin Williams*, La'Chanda K. Stephens-Totimeh, Helen M. Milojevich, David E. Bard
Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Postpartum Coverage and Outpatient Care Utilization among Low-Income Women in Oregon
Authors: Satyasandipani Pradhan*, Marie Harvey, Linh Bui, and Jangho Yoon
Increasing Quality Referrals to Behavioral Health Specialists at a VA Primary Care Clinic
Authors: Chuthamat "Toey" Peeters*, Miles White*, Ashley Roach
Increasing Veteran Use of My HealtheVet in VA Primary Care
Authors: Josiah Laughlin, Megan Reilly, Tina Rice, Tiffany Rosales*, Anastasia Rose*
Mobilizing Community Partnerships and Interprofessional Student Leadership to Provide Accessible COVID-19 Vaccines for Uninsured and Low-Income Populations in Albany, Oregon
Authors: Francine Mendoza*, Madeline Moss*, Caimei Kuang, Vy Nguyen, Terri Pham, Carrie Sanders, Sydney Wardan, Lauren Young, Stephanie Hagerty, Anabel Mendoza, Doug McGirr, Jasmin Ortiz, Jacob Swenson, Miao Zhao
Non-modifiable risk factors and medical student USMLE Step 1 exam scores
Authors: Jenna Davison*, Malynda Taylor
Perceived Health Care Discrimination for deaf and Hard of Hearing adults Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Chandra A. Char*, Veronica L. Irvin
Preceptor Recruitment at a Student Run Clinic Following Re-opening During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Georgia Mae Morrison*, Anushka Tiwari*, Jessica Ballin*, Brian Park
Social Disparities in Health-based Drinking Water Violations Among Oregon Drinking Water Systems
Authors: Austin Prewitt*, Cordelia Schimpf, Charles Michael, Curtis Cude
Use of sexual and reproductive health services for women living in rural and urban Oregon: Impact of the Affordable Care Act
Authors: Mandana Masoumirad*, Marie Harvey, Jangho Yoon, and Linh Bui
Use of Virtual Structured Interviews for Community Feedback on Policies to Reduce Sugary Drink Consumption
Authors: Nicole Fiscella*, Conor Foley*, Lillie Manvel
Addressing the Gap: The Journey to Accommodate Disabilities in 4-H Youth Development
Authors: Lena Hosking*, Marilyn Lesmeister*
Co-Location of Preventative Oral Health Services for Youth in Residential Foster Care Placements
Authors: Tabitha Jensen*, Alynn Vienot Hayes*
COVID-19 Evaluation & Testing Strategies in a Federally Qualified Health Center
Authors: Shelby Lee Freed*, Doria Thiele, Emily Myers, Madilyn Gardner
Finding and accessing full-text articles to support evidence-based practice
Authors: Emily Hamstra*, Nora Barnett*
Food For Living: A Nutrition and Cooking Program for those touched by cancer
Authors: Athena Nofziger*, Paulina Kaiser
Impacts of Problem Gambling on Public Health
Author: Jeffrey Marotta*, Makenzie Irrgang*, Tyree Dingle*, and Paige Reohr*
Results from the inaugural cohort of the Northwest Public Health & Primary Care Leadership Institute during the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Betty Bekemeier, Barbara Rose, Nikki Dettmar*, Megan Rogers, Seth Doyle
The Intersection of FASD and COVID
Authors: Suzie Kuerschner*, Chenoa Landry*, Erin Angus*
Use of State of Oregon tools and resources in developing a shared plan of care for complex pain
Authors: Nora Stern*, Ruben Halperin, Catriona Buist, Mark Stephens, Lisa Shields, Miriam Parker, Erika Lavella, Michelle Marikos, Mark Altenhofen
What is Problem Gambling and Why Does it Matter to Me?
Authors: Clair Raujol*, Reginald Stroughter*
COVID-19 Impact Survey for Filipinos in Oregon
Authors: Maria Dizon*, Anthony Eustaquio Ponticello*
Patterns of Healthcare Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic at a Regional Health System in Oregon
Authors: Olivia Pipitone*, Paulina Kaiser
Responding to COVID-19: Pivoting to Asynchronous Nutrition Education Delivery.
Authors: Shara Anslow*, Rachel Dillard, Rebecca Marson, Jennifer Morris
Western Oregon University + Polk County COVID-19 Project Data Brief: A Communication and Visualization Tool for Preventing COVID-19
Authors: Maddie Dirren*, Queenie Love Agbayani, Jenny Leon-Perez*, Emily Vala-Haynes, Sam Harris, Megan Patton-Lopez, and Leanne Cusack
WOU Community Health + Polk County Family Thrive Kits: Evaluation of a Social Marketing Campaign To Prevent COVID-19 Among Latinx Families
Authors: Jenny Leon-Perez* Fabiana Palma Vasquez*, Jesus Maciel Abarca, Jackie Rodriguez, Esmirna Tencos Mendoza, Maddie Dirren*, Megan Patton-López, Emily Vala-Haynes
Prevalence of COVID antibodies across a regional health system in fall 2020: Samaritan Health Services Authors:Paulina Kaiser*,Olivia Pipitone, and Anthony Franklin,Adam Brady