Healthy EnvironmentsThe Healthy Environments section casts a wide net for encouraging people to join. Healthy Environments include many things:
PurposeOur purpose is to bring together a broad array of people working toward creating and maintaining healthy environments. A healthy environment encompasses the places we work, live, and play. In those places it encourages and sustains the health of current and future populations. GoalsThe Healthy Environments section formed in 2010. Our goals are under discussion by the group. Some ideas under consideration are:
Meetings/EventsCall to Action for Climate, Health, and Equity We are joining with voices across our nation and the world to make it known that climate change has now become a health emergency. Please contact Healthy Environments Section Chair, Gregory Sebastian, MPH, [email protected] for information on upcoming meetings and activities. Section LeadershipChair and Board Rep: Gregory Sebastian, MPH, [email protected] |