Public Health Scavenger Hunt List
- functioning water treatment plant
- mosquito collection bag
- community recycling center
- birth control supply shelf (showing multiple forms of birth control)
- electric automobile
- sign for swimming safety rules
- public health history books
- main entrance of a health department
- state motor vehicle inspection center
- “no smoking” sign
- infant or child safety seat
- food product label showing “0 mg sodium” and “0” mg cholesterol
- food product label reporting “no GMOs”
- minimum of 5 public health brochures (in a single photograph)
- construction site safety sign
- hazmat (hazardous material) suit
- suntan lotion container showing a minimum SPF = 50
- MMR or HPV vaccine vial
- bicycle and motorcycle helmet
- nutritional (calorie) listing of foods on fast-food restaurant menu board
- combined house smoke and CO (carbon monoxide) detector
- blood pressure monitor (cuff)
- sign for flu immunization clinic/facility
- brochure for a 5K or 10K run/walk
- set of strength-training/physical fitness machines
- rabies immunization tag (worn by a dog or cat)
- universal symbol for a “poison”
- fluoride toothpaste box/tube
- “My Plate”
- trigger lock for a gun
- college campus sign for a “smoke/tobacco-free” zone
- poster promoting hand washing
- sanitary land fill
- U.S. pharmacy chain (photo) that does not sell cigarettes
- community or college health fair
- HEPA air filter
- windmill (used as a source of energy)
- main entrance of a CEPH-accredited school of public health
- restaurant/eating establishment health inspection form/check list
- public health laboratory
- electric car “charging station”
- bottle of 81mg aspirin
- school bus equipped with seatbelts
- runner’s “racing bib” from a marathon (must show the name of the marathon)
- first aid emergency bag
- container of hand sanitizer gel
- immunization guide and record keeper
- mental health stress ball/reliever
- diabetic cookbook approved by the ADA
- “DASH” diet cookbook
- 5 of the following DVDs/videos (in a single photograph) - “Fast Food Nation,” “Miss
- Evers’ Boys,” “Outbreak,” “Contagion,” “A Civil Action,” “Forks over Knives,” “An Inconvenient Truth”
- Narcan (naloxone HCl) 4 mg nasal spray container
- bottle of/box from 100% DEET
- bike path (not a “bike lane” on a street)
- low energy (LED or CFL) light bulb
- U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on the The Health Consequences of Smoking – 50 Years of Progress
- The Institute of Medicine’s publication, The Future of Public Health
- “Do Not Litter” road sign
- fresh fruit or vegetable stand
- household composter for bio-degradable garbage and yard wastes
- recycling bins/center (for plastic, aluminum cans, glass, and paper)
- mosquito net/netting
- “water-saving (reduction)” shower head or toilet
- “active/populated” community or school playground
Download the Public Health Scavenger Hunt List
OPHA would like to thank Marc D. Hiller, DrPH Associate Professor, Health Management and Policy, and Director of Undergraduate Studies University of New Hampshire for the scavenger hunt list.